Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Joni!!!

SO much going on!  Parties, visits, and enjoying the nice weather.  Summer has arrived in KS and we are LOVING it!  We will start in order (because I try to be an orderly person :))....after Nana and Papa and left, Oma and Opa AND Grandma and Granddad came to see us!  We were so thrilled that my grandparents (in their 90s!) braved the weather (drove most of one day in a snowstorm) and many hours in the car to come visit.
Oma brought the girls lots of is Jo in her new pj's with matching baby pj's.
My girls and their lipstick....Grandma had to have to some too.
My mom collects rolling pins....they found a few at some antique stores on the way.
This was Joni's birthday present from my parents...she loves dinosaurs and this yard sale find was too good to pass up.  It moves her (named Cera from Land Before Time) head, blinks, roars, and plays music.  It's a hit!
The one thing I regret about their visit was not getting more pictures!  We sooo enjoyed them being here!  While they were here I took Andy on his Golden Birthday trip.  A night at a hotel, round of golf, dinner at a favorite restaurant, and going to 2 movies at the theater....IN A ROW!  Turning 30 on the 30th doesn't happen very often...we had to go big!  And the girls stayed home with all the grandparents and didn't miss us at all :)
Love this picture.  Found a TON of dandelions near a friend's house.

So Joni wanted a Hello Kitty party since her and Hadley are always only playing kitties.  So a Hello Kitty party it was.  None of us have ever actually seen the show but she does love kitties.  The girls helped me blow up balloons using an bike tire pump.  Genius.
The cakes.  Since we invited little boys, we tried to have some boy things too so the girls were kitties and the boys were frogs.  This is a Hello Kitty character too....I can't remember his name.
Ears and eyes to wear.
Goodie/take home bags.
The front door :)
Our first activity was to decorate cookies.  It was messy fun to get things rolling.
Sweet sisters!
We played a few games too....using goldfish (which cats like, right?) they had to catch in their mouths.  It more funny to watch than play I'm sure :)

Then they had to find little toy mice hidden around the yard.
And the last game was "lapping milk."  We put a little vaseline on the tips of their noses and they had to move 3 cotten balls from one bowl to the other.  It didn't go as planned, but they had fun anyways.

The food table.
Cutting the cake....
And opening many wonderful gifts.  We have truly been blessed.
One of my friends MADE this hat for Jo.  I just can't get enough of it.  So cute!  She has amazing talent!  If you ever need anything, she can pretty much crochet it.  Her facebook name is NUTMEG TRADITIONS.
Apparently it was a good party because this is how we found Joni during her nap....holding her new ball.
Her party was the Saturday before her birthday.  The rest of these are actual birthday day!  Rainbow waffles for breakfast....our birthday tradition.
Our gift to her was a new baby swing/highchair, diaper bag, stroller, and front pack.  I think they were a hit.
And since they love swimming, we went that afternoon.
And normally we would fix the birthday girl dinner....anything they want is what we have.  Joni couldn't make up her mind so we went to China Buffet where she can have all her favorites....noodles, chicken on a bone, jello, oranges, and ice cream.
A trip to the library.

A little bbq and campfire we had for the youth group.
And last but not least, our first produce from the garden.  Two radishes!!!  We are on our way :)
Love to you all!

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