Saturday, July 5, 2014

Around Town

As I type this, my parents are getting ready to head back to WY in the morning.  We have had quite the 2 weeks of traveling which will be documented in the following post.  Here is a short sweet one regarding some fun things we did before we left.  I had a conference to go to and while I learned new fun things, Hadley went to a kids camp and learned about the US flag (what the colors, stripes, stars, etc stand for) and then they sang the Star Spangled Banner.  It was darling.  If you can't find her glowing face, she is right in the middle.  :)
 Hadley LOVES horses.  She pretends she has one named Sparkle, pretends that AZ is one (and rides her), pretends that Joni is one (and rides her), pretends she is one (and gallops around the house), etc. It's always fun when she doesn't have to pretend.  Mrs. Cole is awesome and loves being a part of Hadley's horse riding reality.
 And Jo get some fun too :)
 Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead.......a fun, free, farm in Kansas City that we went to before we left for our trip and then again with Oma and Opa this week (so more farm to come).
This picture would be soooo much better without the cage.  Oh well.  Peacocks are cool.
 So happy my girls don't mind getting a little dirty.
 One room school house.
 And in case you have always wanted to try and milk a cow but never had a cow on hand, you can "water a bucket" instead.
 Feeding the goats milk from a bottle in always a hit and so much more fun than when they try and eat your clothes.
 For Joni's birthday, our fun Aunt Donna got her THIS.  A giant ball you blow up and roll around in. Let's just say it was a huge hit.
 Greatest. Picture. Ever.
 Happy Birthday to me....biscuits and gravy in bed.
 And a sneak peak of our 4th of July photo shoot.  Love these kids so much!
and love to you all! 

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