Monday, July 13, 2015

Happy 5th Joni!! (2 months late)

I'm all over the place.  I just wanted to document (for Joni down the road) that she did, in fact, have a birthday which we did, in fact, celebrate.  While in Wyoming with Courtney and crew. we threw a BALL party for Joni and Hunter.  It was small but still super fun.  
  We had "ball" shaped food...fruit salad, caprese salad, cheese puffs, sausage and meat balls on the savory table and....
cream puffs, oreo truffles, a ball cake, and lots of ball-shaped candy on the sweet table.
It was a low-key-come-hang-and-eat-lots-of-food-while-the-kids-play kind of party.
"Happy Birthday!"
Surprise balls inside the kind of worked :)
Sweet Maddy...I miss her.
And if you have been following us for any amount of time you know we have rainbow pancakes for breakfast when it's your big day....
 and you get to pick dinner...this year was a tomato and basil sandwich (minus the basil), corndog, and mac and cheese.
 with some fro-yo for dessert.
 Fast forward to 2 weeks ago when Andy had a 2 week class in Louisville (which he LOVED) and we spent time in St. Louis, where Janet and Kemper are now, and in Louisville seeing dear old friends.  I'll post about St. Louis later since we went non-stop and have a whole post worth of pictures to show for it.   In Louisville we went to parks...
 stayed with dear friends...
 did a little school with this view...
saw a movie with our old gang...
 and of course (I know you know this was coming) went to the ZOO!  Because of all the zoos in the world, the Louisville Zoo seems a little like home to us.  And it didn't disappoint since they were having a traveling lego exhibit...(which is what this spider was...thank goodness).
 more legos...
 And we returned home to a sweet welcome...
a mere 6 hours before Andy did his first wedding!  Congrats Alex and Olivia!
The next day we celebrated the 4th with more dear friends, food, fireworks, and a water fight.
everyone was looking very 4th-y
Couple more (this was a long one but that's what happens when you get 3 months behind)...Getting donuts (our first Saturday of the month tradition)
And seeing off 2 of our youth girls on their mission trip to Fiji
 What our girls do while they wait....
Love to you all!

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