Friday, July 23, 2010

Swimming, swimming, in a swimming pool

It has been so nice for Hadley (and the rest of us) to have a river (or creek) running through camp. Some days it gets pretty warm and so we all go jump in the river....and by jump I mean just barely wade in and get our feet wet. The water is FREEZING but Hadley loves it and wants to go "wimmin" every day! One day we went to Thermopolis to enjoy the hot pools. Even Joni had a good time because there the water is really warm. The picture with the green tub is Hadley playing "in" the water. She is supposed to stand outside of it and use her little cups and pitchers she has, but she had other ideas :)We can't believe that we only have one more month left here. It has been so AWESOME! Andy has started reading for his classes this semester and is looking forward to starting up again. I am excited about going back to Louisville (he only has a year and a half left) but not for the 18 hour drive out! Pray for good babies in the car! Love to you all!

1 comment:

Paul Fuller said...

We miss you guys!!! So glad you're having a good summer!