Monday, January 16, 2012

Part 4--play time and Papa

These are the princess dresses that Nana made the girls...complete with high heels and veils and jewelry.  They loved them (still do)!
Brian and Jen were staying in a hotel so we went swimming one morning.  Hadley was showing off her skills to everyone.  She is doing so well in the pool...I guess it pays to have a lifeguard/swim lesson teacher/swim team coach as your dad.  :)
The helicopter Andy got for Christmas was so popular with everyone (literally, they flew it all the time) that they went and bought another one at Target and then decided the house was too small to fly it in so went to the church to see "what they could really do" with the high ceilings.  Kids will be kids :)
Then Caroline thought it was be a good idea to buy Hadley some make-up (which she also thought was a good idea) and since we had no where to go, we let her put make-up on everyone.
Lookin' good!
Why more people don't wear blue eye shadow truly is a mystery.  :)
More fun fun fun, Nana had a good idea to let them have a glow-bath!  They thought it was awesome of course and it has never been so hard to get them out of the tub.    
If one thing is true, it's that Hadley loves her Nana and Papa.....or anyone that gives her undivided attention.  She is definitely a daddy's girl, though, so she really likes hanging out with Papa.  Having some oatmeal together.....
doing a United States puzzle (she is a genius ;) yeah right, she needs lots of help with this one but still loves doing it).....
"helping" him take down the Christmas lights.....
and grilling some steaks.....
Joni loves him too.  She got sick the last day we were there and she slept on pretty much everyone.
Only a couple TX posts left!  Love to you all!

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